The Link Between Poor Oral Health and Mouth Jewelry

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There is a link between poor oral health and mouth jewelry. Mouth jewelry can damage your teeth causing your oral health pain and harm. Your oral health is essential and should be taken care of carefully. If you neglect your oral health, you could suffer tooth loss, gum disease, and even bone loss.

Our dentist, Dr. Aaron Pitts in Pine Valley, California, cares about your smile and is happy to help you understand more about your oral health.

Here is a list of necessary information on mouth jewelry and your oral health:

-Mouth jewelry can cause you to drool excessively.

-A lip or tongue ring can swing around in your mouth and generate several forms of damage to your teeth, gums, and airway. In situations where a tongue ring has caused an allergic reaction, your tongue can swell and block off your airway. If pieces break off, they become immediate choking hazards.

-Infectious diseases known as hepatitis and endocarditis can be produced due to contaminated mouth jewelry parts.

-Permanent nerve damage within your tongue can occur when mouth jewelry is being placed in your mouth.

-Two common symptoms of mouth jewelry include allergic reactions and damage to your gums and teeth.

As you can see, mouth jewelry can play a role in your oral health. If you would like to keep your teeth healthy and clean, or if you are in need of a dental checkup, please call us today at 619-473-8735 to make an appointment. Our team at the dental practice of Aaron B. Pitts, DMD will be happy to help you.