Having a toothbrush is an essential tool in your oral health care routine. In fact, having an effective toothbrush can make a huge difference in your oral and dental health care. That is why it is essential to choose a toothbrush that you think will work best for you.
Our dentist, Dr. Aaron Pitts, cares about your smile and the health of your teeth. Furthermore, our team is happy to provide insight with you about the types of toothbrushes you can choose from so that you can be fully equipped to take care of your beautiful white teeth.
Here are the types of toothbrushes you can choose from:
Manual toothbrushes
Manual toothbrushes are traditional and have been around for many years. By using a manual toothbrush, you have a lot more control of where your brush is and the angle around your teeth. This toothbrush is simple to use and is effective in cleaning teeth. Manual toothbrushes are preferable for those who do like to guide the toothbrush themselves, and for those who want softer or gentler bristles on their tooth enamel.
Electric toothbrushes
Electric toothbrushes are newer in the dental industry. Electric toothbrushes have more brushing power, and the bristles can rotate much quicker around each tooth. Most electric toothbrushes have a timer to tell you when your two minutes of brushing are up. Electric toothbrushes are extremely popular because they provide an in-depth clean and are easy to use, especially for older patients or those with limited mobility.
If you choose either of these types of toothbrushes to care for your teeth, then you are on the path of oral health care success! Remember, it is vital to take care of your teeth each day. If you have questions about how you can maintain your oral health in Pine Valley, California, or if you have questions, please call us today at 619-473-8735 to make an appointment.